Don't Forget about Yoga with Sadie!

Looking for a reason to try Yoga with Sadie on Sundays? I’ll give you five!

  1. If flexibility is an issue for you? As with anything in life, “too much of a good thing” can happen in CrossFit too. As you build muscle mass, your body can become less flexible and more susceptible to injury. To balance this out, yoga helps lengthen and relax muscles while increasing mobility. The added bonus is that you’ll notice a difference in your performance back in the box!

  2. Yoga is so much more than just stretching. When you finally nail crow pose or wheel, you become aware of potential in your body that you didn’t know existed. Yoga, just like CrossFit, is a constant mind and body challenge. Pushing through difficult poses on your mat can help you to realize your full potential during a tough workout as well.

  3. Yoga helps strengthen your body awareness. It’s all too easy to get caught up in ego. Whether you’re competing with a personal record or the CrossFitter next to you, body awareness can become an afterthought. This is how injuries happen. In yoga we presence the mind through breath and drishti (gaze). Incorporating the strategies that you learn in yoga into your WOD will help you to know your limits (you may even realize you can push further than you thought!)

  4. We have fun! We don’t take ourselves too seriously. Sometimes people worry because they think, “I’ve never done yoga. I’m not flexible. I’ll just embarrass myself when I don’t know what to do.” I can set you straight on this one. When I first started practicing yoga a couple of years ago I had every embarrassing experience you can have in a yoga class. If you can think of it, it’s probably already happened during yoga at the box. Yoga is not about already being flexible, it’s about developing strength and flexibility through a series of poses over time. We have a fun group and I promise that you will fit right in no matter what your experience level is.

  5. It’s free to you! My yoga class is included in your CrossFit membership. Join us every Sunday at 10am!


(And one bonus reason would be to loosen and limber up after a tough Open Workout!)

WOD:   2/28/17

Push jerk 10-8-6-4-2 reps


3 Rounds for time of:
15 Power Cleans 115/80
45 Double-unders
15 Push Jerks 115/80
45 Double-unders




Derek Eason