Week #2 Raffle: Crazy Coffee Lovers

Submit your 17.1 Scores!!!

Due by 5pm on Monday or else!!!


17.1 was awesome!

Great job to everybody who threw down, that workout was tough and you all kicked ass!

Now let's do it again for 17.2

Friday Night Lights will start at 3:30pm and run until 7/7:30pm again this week.

If you weren't there last week, you had better be this week!



WOD:   2/27/17


Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2 reps


15 minute AMRAP of:
1 Rope Climb
12 Front Squats 95/65-lbs.
15 Push-ups





Open Raffle Week #2:

Crazy Coffee Lovers!


Get your hands on a caffeinated box of:

Bombardier Blend from Tried and True

A $25 Tried and True gift card

And much much more!



Tickets are $2 each or $5 for 3!

Check this basket out in the back of the gym.


Derek Eason