Week #4 Theme: St. Patrick's Day!!!
This weeks Friday Night Lights theme is St. Patrick's Day!
Wear Green!!!!
WOD: 3/14/17
AMRAP 5 minutes of:
10 Power Snatch, 75/55-lbs.
30 Double-unders
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 5 minutes of:
8 Power Snatch, 105/75-lbs.
40 Double-unders
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 5 minutes of:
6 Power Snatch, 135/95-lbs.
50 Double-unders
It is very, very likely that Double-unders will show up in one of these last two Open Workouts.
So use today as a day to prepare yourself and get some last minute practice in!
Check out these video tutorials and as always as a coach for some pointers when you come to the gym!