The Open is over..... So what do we do now!?

WOD:   2/28/17


Sumo Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3  reps

Complete as many reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
7 Handstand Push-ups
7 Burpee Box Jumps 24”/20”
7 Toes to Bar





Firstly I would like to congratulate everybody on an amazing 2017 CrossFit Games Open. We had a lot of rookie competitors and we had a lot of PR's. You all did an amazing job as Athletes, Judges, and Spectators. Every Friday Night Lights was a fun filled evening bursting with energy.

Each week was a different challenge and none of them were easy. We were all challenged each and every time.

So what do we do next!?

Here is a quick guide to move you into life beyond the Open:

1. Relax
     You just kicked ass for 5 weeks straight, you deserve a bit of rest. This doesn't have to be physical rest if you still want to be in the Box everyday. But it definitely needs to be Mental rest. You aren't "In the Open" anymore, make sure that you are having fun in the gym. There aren't any judges or scores that you have to have validated anymore.

2. Reflect
     What did you learn? What workouts were the toughest? What movements really challenged you? What did you excel at? What did you fail at? Because we were pushed to our limits of strength, skill, conditioning, and confidence we should be able to gleam some useful information from our experiences in the Open. Reflex on each workout and the experience around it. Maybe you found a new weakness or a new skill that you need to work on, now is the time to work on it!

3. Tune in and Get Ready!
     The CrossFit Games competition season might be over for most of us. But there is plenty more to come! Regionals is up next, each weekend from May 19th - June 4th the best Individual Competitors and Teams will compete around the World. Our Region the West Region will compete Friday June 2nd to Sunday June 4th at the Portland Expo Center. I guarantee this will be a blast, so buy the tickets when they become available!
     Then the Grand Finale, the 2017 CrossFit Games will be held from August 1st - 6th in Madison, Wisconsin. I would recommend watching that online. We might even have a gym viewing party for that!

The Open is over but the Fitness is just beginning! Who is excited for the rest of the year!?




Oh, and make sure to brush up on the Sumo Deadlift before class, we haven't done them in awhile!

Derek Eason