CrossFit Train 97333

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Party at the Gray's


Memorial Day Monday 5/29 the only class will be at 10am.

We will be doing "Murph"

After Murph Party at the Gray's. Starts at 3pm!


WOD:   5/25/17

For time:
Row 300
18 DB Power Cleans, 50/35-lbs.
18 Box Jump Overs 24”/20”

For time:
Row 300
15 DB Power Cleans, 50/35-lbs.
15 Box Jump Overs 24”/20”

For time:
Row 300
12 DB Power Cleans, 50/35-lbs.
12 Box Jump Overs 24”/20”

For time:
Row 300
9 DB Power Cleans, 50/35-lbs.
9 Box Jump Overs 24”/20”

*Rest as needed between each.




Mark your calendars for May 29th 2017. What’s so special about that day you may ask? Well first off I hope you know that it’s Memorial Day, but also we (as in CrossFit Train 97333) are going to be having a fun party/pot-luck that day. Every year on Memorial Day our gym opens the door for one massively huge class and everybody does the hero workout “Murph”. This blog post isn’t going to talk about Murph all that much besides it is my personal favorite workout. That aside this post is about the festivities post - Murph.

Most years after Murph a lot of people hang out at the gym and shoot the breeze. Some, like myself and others, go and grab a bite to eat with some friends. Things are going to be a little different this year. This year after we all finish Murph and are nice and recovered there is going to be a party/pot-luck going on at my house! That means EVERYBODY who decides to come and do Murph can come and hang out, eat some delicious food, drink some beverage whatever that may be and hang out! And I guess if you don’t come to do Murph you can join in as well, but shame on you if do that!!! :)

Party Starts at 3pm!

If you do plan on coming to the pot-luck then please, please, please bring some food/snacks/drinks!

The beautiful Gray house is located just north of Corvallis turning left off of Highway 99 at NW Lewisburg Ave. (at G3, there is a stoplight and a gas station), then turning right on to Burgundy Dr. and following up and to the right. The home has a large downward sloping driveway and it would be best to park on the sides of the street at the top.

The address is 6035 NW Burgundy Drive.

If you are not yet convinced take a look at these pictures and I think you'll be ready to come enjoy the party!