Every 3 minutes
WOD: 5/08/17
Every 3:00 for 30 minutes complete:
3 Front Squats
6 Toes to Bar
9 Burpees
*As heavy on Front Squats as possible, increase weight.
For today we have a workout with some built in rest. Every 3:00 you must complete a round. So at the 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00......and so on you will complete a round. After you complete the round you must rest until the next 3rd minute.
If there is rest built into a workout, what does that mean!? --------> SPRINT
In this workout the rest means that the Front Squat should get as heavy as you possibly can for the 3 reps and that the toes to bar and burpees should be as fast as possible to ensure some rest!
And a quick tip for the Toes-to-Bar today. Notice how Nick's body is not upside down when his toes touch the bar. We want to lean back and flick our toes up to the bar, not get inverted to bring our toes up. Staying more vertical will allow you to go directly into your next kip and link the toes to bar together.
I challenge you to stay more upright and link some of your toes to bar together today!