Everyday Warrior

WOD:   9/01/17


Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 1RM


For time:
Then, Run 1 mile.







No doubt, you've heard the chatter around the box about the upcoming BATTLE SERIES. Well, my friends, this is an event you should most certainly take part in. 

You might be trying to decide if you should bother. And, certainly, there are many worthy charities you could support. But let's be honest. Cancer SUCKS. Plain and simple. It can change the course of somany lives in an instant. Its impact is far reaching and everlasting. Take it from me. At thirteen it took my mother. And, as you might imagine, my life has been defined by the experience and the loss. 

I know I am not alone. This year close to 2 million people will be diagnosed with cancer.  For many of them, the financial burden of medical bills, co-pays, and deductibles coupled with the inability to work during treatment make it nearly impossible to focus on the fight at hand. EVERYDAY WARRIOR helps to ease, if not eliminate this financial burden.

Unlike many cancer-based charities, money raised by EVERYDAY WARRIOR goes directly to the individual or family affected by the disease and subsequent financial burden. This allows these individuals to spend funds however they see fit. Whether it's mortgage or car payments, buying groceries or simply breathing a littler easier each month.

The BATTLE SERIES is about donating and competing to make a difference for someone at a time when hey need it the most. Crossfit is community, a family, a group of people who are suffering and fighting together--whether it is during daily WOD, a challenge at work, or a struggle to live. Whatever your fight, isn't it a comfort to know you are not alone? So, come on my Train family. Let's step up, sign-up and make it happen!

-Kristin Silbernagel




Derek Eason