Sign-up for Class!
WOD: 01/03/18
Snatch or Clean and Jerk
3-3-3-3-3 reps
12 minute AMRAP of:
1 Snatch, 155/105-lbs.
3 Clean and Jerks, 155/105-lbs.
30 Double-unders
Skill of the Month:
6 x 5 Strict Chin-ups
We are making Class Sign-up 100% Mandatory starting this week!
This is in the spirit of making CrossFit Train an even better place. By tracking all of you athletes we can hopefully give a better experience and try to keep class sizes to reasonable numbers.
Please try your best to sign-up for every class that you attend.
Coaches will be doing attendance and you will be assigned a minimum penalty of 10 burpees if you are not signed up for class! (We will take it easy on you for the first couple of weeks, just try your best!)