Sign-up for Class!

WOD:   01/03/18

Snatch or Clean and Jerk
3-3-3-3-3 reps

12 minute AMRAP of:
1 Snatch, 155/105-lbs.
3 Clean and Jerks, 155/105-lbs.
30 Double-unders


Skill of the Month:
6 x 5 Strict Chin-ups





We are making Class Sign-up 100% Mandatory starting this week!

This is in the spirit of making CrossFit Train an even better place. By tracking all of you athletes we can hopefully give a better experience and try to keep class sizes to reasonable numbers.

Please try your best to sign-up for every class that you attend.

Coaches will be doing attendance and you will be assigned a minimum penalty of 10 burpees if you are not signed up for class! (We will take it easy on you for the first couple of weeks, just try your best!)

Derek Eason