Fit February Day 1

Report your Daily Points before Midnight to:

*Points must be recorded as a Team, i.e. both your daily scores added together.


Report your Benchmark WODs as you do them to:

*WOD scores should be recorded individually and are due by midnight on February 7th.



WOD:   02/01/18


9 rounds for time of:
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”/20”
  3 Deadlift
  3 Power Cleans
  3 Shoulder to Overhead

*you choose the weight.



Thursday February 1st, is Day 1 of the Fit February Paleo Challenge.

There are Score Sheets printed and ready for each member involved on the table at the front of the gym. Make sure to use these to keep track of your Daily and Weekly point totals. Each Day you and your partner must total your Daily and Bonus Points together and submit ONE response to this Google Forms questionnaire:

Daily and Bonus Points are due by Midnight, submissions are time-stamped and any submissions after Midnight or an absence of a submission will result in a score of 0 for your team on that day.


Daily Points

Each Fit February participant will start each day with 7 points. These points represent the 7 aspects of the Paleo Diet. Points will be reported daily online and kept track of in hard copy as well.

  1. Eat real food. Lean Meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, oils (like EVOO or coconut, walnut,avocado). Eat foods with very few ingredients, all pronounceable ingredients, or better yet, no ingredients listed at all because they’re fresh and natural. Be reasonable here!

  2. Do not eat dairy. This includes butter, cheese, yogurt and milk (including cream in your coffee).

  3. Do not eat grains. This includes bread, rice, pasta, corn, oatmeal, and also any gluten-free pseudo-grains (quinoa, etc).

  4. Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds, lentils, and peanuts. No peanut butter! Green beans and snap peas are just fine.

  5. Do not eat sugars of any kind, real or artificial.  No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Truvia, Stevia, etc.

  6. Do not eat processed foods. This includes protein shakes (other than your daily allowance), processed bars like Zone, Balance, and Pure Protein bars, dairy-free creamers, etc. Please speak with us if you have special needs, or questions.

  7. Do not drink alcohol, in any form.

So, if you follow points 1-6 completely, but have a beer after dinner, you get only 6 points for the day.  Subtract a point for the day if you have milk or cream in your coffee.  Eat a bagel – subtract a point. Eat a Bagel with Cream Cheese, subtract 2 points. Etcetera. If you have a beer, milk in your coffee and a bagel all in one day, you’re down to 4 points for that day.

If you offend the same rule twice then you subtract another point. So if you had a bagel for breakfast and bread at lunch then you must subtract 2 points. If you really go crazy this could bring you down into the negative points. Don’t do that!

If you have a question about whether something counts as a point or not, ask and we’ll figure out an answer.

1. You will be allowed 1 to have tequila, red wine, or cider with 1 meal per week.
2. You will be allowed 1 Protein shake per day.
3. Chewing Gum is allowed. Be reasonable!
4. Two Tablespoons per day of Natural Sweeteners: Stevia, Honey, Agave, Maple Syrup, etc.


Bonus Points

Earn one bonus point per day that you get 7.5+ hours of sleep.

*The Sleep bonus point pertains to the night of sleep before that day of the Challenge, so for instance on Day 1, Wednesday Night’s Sleep is the sleep that is recorded.

Earn one bonus point per day (maximum of 5 per week) for each WOD you complete at CrossFit Train 97333

*You must sign-up for class in order for workout points to count, workouts must be performed at CrossFit Train.

*There will be Bonus Points awarded for special recipes, cooking, participation, workouts, social media, and other challenges throughout the month. The opportunities for these Points will be announced on the Facebook Group and on the Blog.

Facebook Group:



Benchmark Workouts

On Thursday and Friday of this week everybody who comes to class will be completing the Fit February Benchmark workouts. If you miss these workouts you have until February 7th to make them up and record them to this Google Forms Questionnaire:



*Benchmark workouts are to be recorded individually. Make up workouts may be done during any class times or during Open Gym, just talk to the coach first.


Benchmark WODs

To measure performance gains, we’ll be doing three benchmark WODs at the beginning and end of the challenge.

1:    Run 2000m

2:    “97333”
  9 rounds for time of:
  7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”/20”
  3 Deadlift
  3 Power Cleans
  3 Shoulder to Overhead
*you choose the weight.

3:    2 Rep Max Front Squat



Derek Eason