Fit February Day 4
Fit February:
Extra Point Opportunity!
Make a Paleo-Friendly Super Bowl Dish (or any other type of appetizer dish), Share the Recipe and a Photo of your finished product to the Facebook Group. (If you do not have Facebook send your recipe and photo to One extra point is up for grabs.
WOD: 02/04/18
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Wallballs 20/14-lbs.
Thrusters 95/65-lbs.
Box Jumps 24”/20”
Kettlebell Swings 53/35-lbs.
Report your Daily Points before Midnight to:
*Points must be recorded as a Team, i.e. both your daily scores added together.
Report your Benchmark WODs as you do them to:
*WOD scores should be recorded individually and are due by midnight on February 7th.