Invitation to Workout Wednesday's at Noon with Impact for Life CrossFit

WOD:   4/12/18


5 rounds for time of:
400m Row/Run/Ski (1000m Bike)
30 Sit-ups
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”/20”

*You choose Row/Run/Ski or Bike.



IMPACT for Life Crossfit

IMPACT for Life (I4L) at Oregon State University is an advocacy and service program to encourage and support young adults with disabilities to engage in inclusive lifelong physical activity and to encourage and support community-based fitness programs and facilitates to include persons with disabilities. Dr. Jen Beamer (a long-time member at CrosFit Train) is one of the faculty members that oversees this program and recognized the opportunity for a partnership with Crossfit Train 97333.

One of the guiding principles in CF is adaptability, which makes it a perfect exercise option for people with disabilities! About a year ago, Jen started holding I4L CF classes on Wednesdays at noon at CF Train 97333. The participants with disabilities are paired with OSU undergraduate students who act as an aid and workout buddy. Jen leads the group through a warm-up, skill work, and a WOD – and everyone has a blast getting after it!

As inclusion is part of the main vision of I4L, Jen would love to have some CF Train members join the workouts! Sessions are Wednesdays at noon (during the academic school year only). Come get a lunch workout in and get to know some of the people in your community!

*If you are interested in Joining these Wednesday at Noon Classes you must first email Derek at


Students helping Participants get a good CrossFit workout in! If you want to workout at Noon on Wednesday and be part of this program email Derek at



Derek Eason