Elizabeth.....Do you know her?

WOD:   4/13/18

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Cleans, 135/95-lbs.
Ring dips


Bulgarian Split Squats
5 sets of 8 reps/leg


*Disclaimer #1 - Does not have to be performed with a barbell in the front rack, barbell may be on the back, or a Dumbbell/Kettlebell, a Med-ball, or just body-weight may be used.

*Disclaimer #2 - Does not have to be performed on a Bench, may be performed on a Box and the height may be decreased to suit your needs and scale to your abilities.

*Disclaimer #3 - You do not have to be scantily clad and perfectly toned in order to perform this movement. It is actually preferred that you wear whatever clothes that you normally wear and just be yourself :)



Derek Eason