Nineteen Point Three is......
WOD: 03/08/19
For workout details visit HTTPS://GAMES.CROSSFIT.COM/
The 2019 CrossFit Games Open is upon us. The first workout 19.3 will be announced Thursday 3/7 at 5pm, Make sure to watch the announcement at to get motivated!!!
The Friday WOD here at CrossFit Train will be 19.3. If you want to come to the Friday morning classes 5am, 6am, or 7am you will be able to complete 19.3 with a judge and log your scores.
The main event however will be Friday Night Lights!!!
How Friday Night Lights will work:
1. The gym will open at 3:00pm.
2. The gym will close around 6:30pm.
3. Anytime between 3:00pm and 6:30pm you may come to the gym and sign up for a heat.
4. Heats will be first come first serve, if you want to WOD early show up early!
5. The first heats of 18.1 will start around 3:30pm, and the last heats around 6:30pm - 7pm.
6. During Friday Night Lights we will need judges, the whole time! If you are doing the workout you will either be judging before or after you workout. If you are not doing the WOD, please feel free to come by and judge and/or spectate!
7. The more the merrier, please come early and stay late, we need judges and moral support the whole way through!
If you cannot make it Friday morning or Friday evening there are still opportunities to get the Open WOD done. Saturday at 9am-10am and Sunday at 9am-11am, if you can find a person to judge you then you may complete the Open workout. The same goes for Monday morning and early afternoon, if you can find a judge and ok it with a coach then you can complete the WOD.
Scores are due at 5pm on Monday!!!