Road Runner

WOD: 08/01/19

“Road Runner”

Tabata Air Squats
Directly into,
800m Run for time.

*Rest as needed.

Tabata Double-unders
Directly into,
800m Run for time.

*Rest as needed.

Tabata Dumbbell Snatch
Directly into,
800m Run for time.


Are you looking to improve your Olympic Weightlifting technique? Coach Elliott is hosting seminars focusing on the Snatch and Clean and Jerk.

An entire 2-hour session to focus on one of these lifts, designed for beginners or experienced Crossfiters. By learning (or re-learning) the fundamentals of these movements, you will build a safer and more efficient technique that will greatly improve your efficiency and provide a solid basis for strength development.

Each session will host a small group of people and give you the opportunity to get personalized feedback and advice.

Come join the FUN! Sign-up at the gym or talk to Elliott for more information.



-Saturday   8/3   10 am -12 pm

-Sunday      8/4   10 am -12 pm

Clean and Jerk:

-Saturday  8/10  10 am -12 pm

-Sunday     8/11  10 am -12 pm

Cost: 15$ per 2 hour session.

Derek Eason