DB/KB Pick Up


The gym will be closed starting Wednesday November 18th in accordance with the latest mandate from the Governor. 


Each member is allowed to sign up to request a dumbbell/kettlebell and a jump rope only if they do not already have gym equipment at home.

The Deadline for sign up (in person or by email) is Tuesday at 6:30PM. Equipment will be distributed on wednesday.

Please Note:

  • You may sign up to request a dumbbell ONLY if you do not already have gym equipment at home.

  • You may not get the weight you sign up for, we will determine who gets which weight in order to keep it as fair as possible.

  • We will not be giving out equipment to those who did not sign up for it.

*If you are unable to sign up at the gym, please email Derek at derek.crossfittrain@gmail.com with your weight preference by Tuesday at 6:30pm.

Dumbbell Pick up Times:
Wednesday Nov. 18

9:30am - 11am

5pm - 6pm

*If you cannot make either of these times please email Derek at derek.crossfittrain@gmail.com

We will be programming daily workouts for everyone to do at home as well as posting videos of briefings, movement demos and warm ups on the blog and our YouTube channel! Thank you for your patience and understanding!



Every 2:00 for 6 sets:
Front Squat, 2 reps
12 Toes to Bar

12 minute AMRAP of:
12 Wall-balls
12 Box Jumps
12 Med-ball Cleans
12 Box Jumps

*20/14-lbs. And 24”/20”

Train At Home

24 minute AMRAP of:
12 Object Thrusters
12 Box Jumps/Step-ups
12 Toes-to-Target
12 Box Jumps/Step-ups

Derek Eason