CrossFit Train at Home

While at this time physical health is our top priority, we also want to promote mental health by providing a physical outlet and a sense of normality in our daily lives. Providing workouts and online content is our best way of doing this, especially if you are unable to come to the gym.

In addition to our regular programming we will be posting “At Home” workouts for those who cannot or chose not to come to the gym. We want everyone to feel like they are still a part of the CrossFit Train Family even if circumstances keep them away.

WOD: 03/15/20

Choose Your Couplet:

A: Row/Bike/Ski/Run

B: Squats/Burpees/Kettlebell Swings/Double Unders

10 Rounds
2 Minutes to complete:
15 Calories on a Machine or 200m Run
In remaining time: Max reps of movement B

Rest 1 Min between rounds

CrossFit Train at Home

10 Rounds of:
2 Minutes to complete:
15 Burpees
In remaining time: Max reps of Jumping Lunges

*rest 1 Min between rounds

Derek Eason