CrossFit Train Closed Tuesday 3/17 - Monday 3/30
Dear CrossFit Train Family,
After careful consideration we have come to the decision to close the gym starting Tuesday 3/17 through Monday 3/30, tentatively. This decision was not made lightly as we know the importance fitness and community play in our lives. For these reasons we feel that closing our doors is not only our social responsibility but is our way of helping protect the community around us. We have the fortunate opportunity to be able to take this kind of action as a precaution rather than a reaction.
Starting tomorrow “At Home” workouts will include warm-up, cool-down, and other special features such as videos and tutorials. In the next few days we will be preparing to loan out equipment on a first come, first serve basis. This will only be reserved for those who plan to remain members for April onward.
We care about each and every one of you and keeping you all healthy is our top priority. Feel free to contact any of your coaches for training tips or workout ideas, especially if you have your own equipment. We will be happy to provide anything necessary to help keep you fit and active during this time. Stay healthy and we can’t wait to see you back at the gym soon!
WOD: 03/17/20
Movement Demos posted to Instagram and Facebook Stories
Crossfit at Home
5 rounds of:
20 Air Squats
15 Jumping Jacks
10 Mountain Climbers
5 Push-ups
For time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Ball Cleans
Lunges Holding Ball overhead
*use a basketball, soccerball, volleyball, etc. or any type of weighted ball available.
Cool Down
Accumulate 2 minutes in an Elbow Plank
Deep Lunge Stretch x 2:00/side
Chest Stretch on Wall x 1:30/side