Weekend fun
Sunday, May 24th there will be NO CLASS.
Monday, May 25th (Memorial Day) we will be doing MURPH. In order to allow for distancing we will be running multiple classes each with a 10 person cap. Sign up is required. class times will be announced tomorrow.
All classes and open gym will have a 10 person cap.
SIGN UP IS REQUIRED (this includes Open Gym!). You can sign up by going to our website and clicking the tab labeled “CLASS SIGN UP FOR MEMBERS” or follow this link.
The class schedule and sign up for the following day will be posted on our website at 8pm daily. (Note: this is only for the first week in an effort to promote fairness. In the future when we have returned to a normal class schedule, sign up will be ongoing but cancellation fees still apply).
Cancellations within 8 hours and no shows will incur a $10 penalty.
Please don’t sign up if you aren’t sure you can attend. We want to try to be as fair as possible and for everyone to have the opportunity to sign up for the class times they prefer.
If you show up and have not signed up for the class, you will not be able to work out and will be asked to sign up for a different class.
We will continue to offer “At Home” versions of the daily workouts.
For more information about our Phase 1 re-opening protocols go to the COVID-19 page on our website or follow this link.
10 Min AMRAP of:
10 Toes-to-Bar
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk (50-lbs/35-lbs)
Rest 5 Min
10 Min AMRAP of:
40 Double-unders
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch (50-lbs/35-lbs)
CrossFit Train At Home
20 Min AMRAP of:
10 Toes-to-Target
20 Object Cleans
40 Double-taps