Salute to our Seniors

Allyson Bomber

Allyson is Salutatorian (she got a B in one semester of AP Physics but she pulled a A in the second semester!).  She is a cross country runner, Nordic skier and plays Ultimate frisbee.  She also loves to snowboard and wished that had been a school sport along with crossfit.

She plans to take a gap year and then attend Montana State University where she would like to study environmental engineering.



Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + 3 Front Squats

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang Power Cleans
Ring Dips
Box jumps


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Object Cleans
Chair Dips

*Sign up is required for class and open gym. All classes and open gyms have a 10 person cap.

CrossFit has released an official statement regarding the events that transpired over the past week. It is long but we hope you read it with an open mind. No person and no company is perfect. Let’s keep that in mind as we pass judgement. We know in our hearts what our own gym is all about and we are all stronger together.

Click Here for CrossFit’s Statement

Click Here for Announcement of CrossFit CEO Stepping Down

Derek Eason