Dear Crossfit Train FAmily
Dear CrossFit Train Family:
We find it necessary to re-address this issue. Yesterday we released a statement condemning the comments made by CrossFit Leadership. Since then we have received many inquiries regarding our affiliation. We want to once again make it clear that we in no way agree or align with the views of CrossFit’s CEO.
While we do recognize the moral and ideological message that de-affiliating sends, we first need to consider the best interests of our members. We are taking this time to process and develop a plan that best serves our members and our community.
We believe that one can agree with an institution’s methodologies but can disagree with an individual’s personal beliefs. That is the case here. We want to continue providing our members with exceptional service and help everyone achieve their fitness goals in an inclusive and gracious community.
We put our members first and strive to be inclusive and accessible to everyone. We are taking this into consideration as we work toward a plan of action. We want to thank everyone for their continued support of our local box and we greatly value our community here in Corvallis.
CrossFit Train 97333
5 rounds each for time of:
Row 30 Calories
30 Dumbbell Snatches
60 DU
5 rounds each for time of:
30 Bent Over Rows
30 Object Snatches
60 DU Taps
*Sign up is required for class and open gym. All classes and open gyms have a 10 person cap.