A message from crossFit Train
Dear CrossFit Train Community –
We feel as though it is necessary to share a statement with you all. We stand in solidarity with the Black Community. We condemn racism and believe that Black Lives Matter. We are determined to continue to educate ourselves about social inequities and racial injustices that may not be obvious to all of us.
We want to reiterate that we strive to create an inclusive and diverse community. Our CrossFit Train community has brought together some of our closest family and friends. We do not support the recent racially insensitive comments made by CrossFit leadership and it is in no way reflective of our opinion at CrossFit Train. We must do our best to be compassionate towards our fellow human beings. Part of this compassion means we need to try to understand what it may be like living in a world that treats us differently because of the color of our skin.
It is awful to see events like the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery in the news and know that this is not uncommon. It's unjust and unacceptable. But it does give us an opportunity to ask, 'what can we do better?' This is something we should ask ourselves and our community, both in and out of the gym, to make this world a better place for everyone.
CrossFit Train 97333
2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk, 5 sets
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Toes to Bar
12 Push Jerks, 135/95-lbs.
CrossFit Train At Home
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Toes to Object
12 Object Push Jerks
*Sign up is required for class and open gym. All classes and open gyms have a 10 person cap.