CrossFit Train 97333

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Salute to our Seniors

Merel De Leenheer

Merel is graduating with a 3.95 GPA. She competed in varsity track and field, cross country, and gymnastics. She will be attending the University of Oregon Clark Honors College to study Human Physiology on the Pre-Med track. Some of her favorite CrossFit Train memories and workouts were from the CrossFit Open last spring.



30 minute EMOTM of:
1: 10 Dumbbell Front Squats
2: 10 Burpess
3: Rest

*increase Dumbbell weight throughout.


30 minute EMOTM of:
1: 10 Object Front Squats
2: 10 Burpess
3: Rest

*increase Front Squat weight throughout

*Sign up required for class and open gym. All classes and open gyms have a 10 person cap.