Saved by the Bell
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
Every 4:00 for 3 sets:
30 Single Kettlebell Clean and Jerks, 62/44-lb.
Max KB Box Step-ups, 24”/20”
Train At Home
Warm up:
4 Rounds:
10 Squats
8 DB Single leg RDL’s, each leg
6 Push-ups
Single arm DB/KB Strict Press 10-10-10-10-10 reps, each arm
Every 4:00 for 3 sets:
30 Single DB/KB Clean and Jerks
Max DB/KB Box Step-ups or Lunges
Cool Down:
3 sets:
10 Lunge and twist
10 Scorpions
10 Downward dog to cobra