Rowing Nancy

No Endurance Class this week. Friday at 5:30pm we will be having regular class.

Get a Free Shirt!

We are asking our members to help get the word out about CrossFit Train. If you do all 3 of the following you will get a Free CrossFit Train T-shirt!

1. Repost all 4 of our special “promo” posts (watch for them on these days: 10/4, 10/12, 10/20, 10/28)

2. Share all 4 of our special “promo” posts to your story

3. Make 1 “original” gym post of your own and tag the gym

Have fun, be creative, and get the word out. The more the merrier!



3 Muscle Snatch + 2 Power Snatches + Overhead Squat

5 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
15 Overhead Squats (95/65#)

Derek Eason