Rage against the Machine



15 minutes to complete:
Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

On the Machine of your choice:
5 rounds of:
1:30 Max Calories
1:30 Rest

Train At Home

Warm up:
Run 400m then,
2 rounds:
12 DB Deadlifts
8 DB Front Squats
6 DB Push Presses
Run 400m

Single DB Power Clean and Jerk 5 x 10-20 reps each arm
Single DB Overhead Squat 5 x 10-20 reps each arm

Running sprints
5 rounds of:
1:30 Max sprint
1:30 Rest

Cool down:
2 sets:
:60 hamstring stretch, each leg
:60 hip-flexor stretch, each leg
:60 calf stretch, each leg

Derek Eason