Friday Night Lights

What is “Friday Night Lights”?

It’s been nearly 2 and a half years since we had a REAL FNL and many of you may be wondering what it’s all about.

  • The gym will open Friday from 3:30pm on. We will run the first heat as soon as we have enough people for a full heat.

  • When you show up, you will sign up for a heat - this is first come, first serve.

  • There will be a warm up provided and it’s up to you to warm up as needed before your heat is called.

  • Depending on the length of the workout the heats may go fairly quickly.

  • You will have a judge to count your reps and make sure you are hitting the required movement standards.

  • Spectators - friends/family - are welcome to come watch and cheer!

  • If you aren’t doing the workout at that time, please still come to cheer and help judge!

Get ready for a loud, electric, and fun time!!



Every 1:30 for 10 sets:
Back Squat, 7 reps

10 minute AMRAP of:
50 Double-unders
25 Sit-ups
10 Wall-balls, 30/20-lbs.

Derek Eason