Before/After class time

WOD:   10/16/15

For time:
Row 1 K
then, Five rounds of:
25 Pull-ups
135/95 pound Push jerk, 7 reps

Some wall walks before class, not a bad idea!

Some wall walks before class, not a bad idea!

Before/After Class Time

What should you do if you show up for class 10 or 15 minutes early? Most of the time you probably do a little half-hearted stretching, some socializing, maybe some heckling. Crossfit Invictus posted a great blog last week with a few ideas for how to fill your time.

I would also add handstand practice, dip practice, muscle-up transitions/negatives, and kipping pull-ups to the gymnastics suggestions since they are also difficult skills that require practice outside of class. 

The (extremely under-utilized) GHD's are a great spot to spend 10-15 minutes before or after class. These machines can be used for:
GHD Sit-ups:
Static holds (facing up or facing down)
Back Extensions: 
Hip extensions 

Please have a coach show you these movements if you've never performed them before. 


If you have a particular skill you want to work on but aren't sure how to approach it you can ask a coach for suggestions and use your before/after class time to get the work in.


Written by Cassie Finer

Derek Eason