Everyday Warrioir WOD #3

WOD:   11/20/15

Every Day Warrior Workout #3

For Time:
9 Dead Lift (RX: 275/185)(Masters, Scaled: 185/115)(Teen: 135/95)
28 Box Jumps (RX: 30/24″)(Masters, Scaled, Teen: 24″/20″)
14 Thrusters (RX: 135/95)(Masters, Scaled, Teen: 95/65)
30 Pull-Ups (RX: C2B)(Masters, Teen: Standard)(Scaled: Ring Rows)

This is a task completion workout. Standard dead lifts only, no other dead lift variations permitted. (i.e. sumo, trap bar, etc.) Please pay close attention to the movement/weight requirements for your division. You may step down from the box during box jumps. All divisions except RX can perform step-ups. If performing ring rows, bottom of the rings must align with your hip-crease and feet should be aligned directly under the rings.

Score is total time to complete the workout.

Derek Eason