Everyday Warrior Week 3

WOD:   10/03/17


Everyday Warrior Week 3


Part 1 – 12 minute CAP
On a Running clock complete:
2 Rounds of
4 Deadlift 225/155
28 Wallballs 20/14
20 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 inches
14 Hand Stand Push Ups

Part 2 – 12 minute CAP
At 12 min on the clock
Find a Max Squat Clean





Men: Deadlift 225 lb., and throw 20 lbs ball, to a 10 ft. target.
Women: Deadlift 155 lb, and throw 14 lb ball, to a 9 ft target.

Men: Deadlift 135 lb, and throw 20 lb ball, to a 9 ft target.
Women: Deadlift 95 lb, and throw 10lb ball, to a 9 ft target.
*both men and women perform hand release push ups.

Masters 55+/Teen
Men: Deadlift 185 lb, and throw 20 lb ball, to a 9 ft target.
Women: Deadlift 125 lb, and throw 14lb ball, to a 9 ft target.

Masters Scaled 55+
Men: Deadlift 135 lb, and throw 14 lb ball, to a 9 ft target.
Women: Deadlift 95 lb, and throw 10lb ball, to a 9 ft target.
*both men and women perform hand release push ups.

Movement Standards:

The loaded barbell will start on the floor, the athlete will lift until the hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must remain straight throughout the lift and no bouncing of the barbell is allowed.

The medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits below the designated height/target or does not hit the wall it is no rep. Using an additional ball, box or other object to check for proper depth is not allowed. If the ball is not caught between reps, it must come to a full stop on the ground. Bouncing the ball off the floor is not permitted.

Hand Stand Push Ups:
Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups allowed.

Box Jump Over: 
The athlete may jump over the box without touching it, or may land on top (with both feet) before jumping off to the other side. Step-ups are allowed for all divisions] as long as both feet touch the top of the box before stepping down. The athlete may not use their hands, and the feet must go over the box, not around it.
Each rep ends on the opposite side of the box from where it began.

Squat Clean: 
For the squat clean to count, the bar will move from the ground, pass through a full squat with the hips crease breaking below the knee and finish in the front rack position with the knees, hips and shoulders extended in one line. The athlete may deadlift the bar to the hang position and hang squat clean the bar, however it must make contact with the ground after each rep. The athlete may also perform a power clean then squat the barbell below parallel.

This week will be scored as two separate workouts.
Part 1: The time it takes to complete the 2 rounds. If the athlete does not complete the 2 rounds within 12 minutes, add a second for each rep not completed.
Part 2: The weight of the greatest successful squat clean lift in the 12 minutes.

Derek Eason