The dreaded Wall Ball


There will no 5:30am Barbell Club this Thursday.



WOD:   5/10/17


15 minutes to work on the HSPU


5 Rounds of:
30 Wall-balls 20/14-lbs.

*Must be unbroken, if ball is dropped or constant motion is not maintained it does not count.

*Rest as needed between sets.



Today's WOD is some Wall-ball stamina practice. You have to complete 5 sets of 30 reps. There is no time component, you can rest as needed between each set. But the sets must be unbroken! No stopping and no dropping.

Holding on to a Wall-ball for a big set can be tough.

I challenge you to use a Wall-ball weight that you know will be hard to hold on but achievable!


The Wall Ball

The Wall Ball might seem simple enough, but if we want to hit big sets like in today's WOD then it is important to do them right!

Firstly, we want to make sure that we are holding the ball in the correct position. This position does not change at all during the squat and we want to catch the ball in this exact same position.

Hold the Ball at your face, if you look at the picture it looks as if I a staring straight back into the eyes of a giant Wall Ball head, thats what we want.

Keep your elbows high and pointing out and your chest puffed up. The way that you hold the Ball should mimic holding a Front Squat rack as much as possible!


Next you gotta squat! Notice that the Ball and the elbows stay at the exact same position throughout the squat. All the points of performance are needed in this squat - Hips back, Knees Out, Full Foot on the ground, and Below Parallel (go even deeper than me!).

The Wall Ball is all about the squat, a bad squat is a bad Wall Ball no matter where the ball ends up going.


Finally we have to hit our Target.

We have got two distinct options for targets. 10' and 9'. (We can go lower if needed as well!) There is no "in between", notice in the photos that the ball is either distinctively over the bold black line (10') or it is in the black line (9').

Make sure to choose a height that you will be 100% consistent at. If the ball does not clearly make it over (10') or into your target (9'), then that is a "NO REP" and you must redo that rep!








Derek Eason