Murph, Monday at 10am

WOD: 05/24/19

10 minutes to establish a HEAVY complex of:
1 power clean
1 squat clean
1 front squat


3 min AMRAP:
10/7 cal row
9 power cleans, 115/75-lbs.


-rest 3 min-


3min AMRAP:
10/7 cal row
7 hang squat cleans, 115/75-lbs.


-rest 3 min-


3min AMRAP:
10/7 cal row
5 squat cleans, 115/75-lbs.

Memorial Day Monday (5/27) at 10am we will be doing the “Murph”.

This will be the only class of the day.

There will be partner and scaled options so everyone will be able to crush this WOD!

The crew chilling out after MURPH.

Derek Eason